Geography of Bandhavgarh

Geographic Location of Bandhavgarh

The location of Bandhavgarh can be simplified as Central India state of India – Madhya Pradesh. Bandhavgarh is famous for the elusive white tiger – Mohan; though Mohan currently is stuffed and on display in the Palace of Maharaja of Rewa. Bandhavgarh gets its name due to the location of Bandhavgarh Fort in the jungle.

Johilla, damnar, charanganga, banbei, ambanala and andhiyari are some river streams that provide Bandhavgarh and flora and fauna of Bandhavgarh nourishment; these streams finally submerge into Sone or Son river which is the second largest of the southern tributaries of Ganges after Yamuna River.

Geography of Bandhavgarh

Geographical aspects of Bandhavgarh’s Location

Bandhavgarh National Park is situated near the northeastern side of the central Indian state of India – Madhya Pradesh. Vindhyachal ranges and Satpura ranges constitute a major part of the geography of Bandhavgarh. Bandhavgarh experiences a characteristic chain of seasons making it picturesque wildlife destination of India though monsoons are heavy due to the geography of Bandhavgarh. The geographical location of Bandhavgarh makes its winter cold and summers hot. Summers increase tiger sighting in Bandhavgarh and winters are a pleasure as the tiger of Bandhavgarh rest on the safari route.

Geographic Analysis

Area1161 sq. Km.
Core Forest Area624 sq. Km.
Buffer Forest Area537 sq. Km.
Longitude Coordinates80 47’15” to 81 11′ 45 E
Latitude Coordinates 23 30′ 12 to 23 45′ 45 N
Altitude above sea level440mts to 810mts
Rainfall experienced1170 millimetres 
Temperature witnessedMinimum 2 degree Celsius to Maximum 45 degree Celsius

Seasons Affect Analysis Due To Geographical Location

MonsoonJune to September
SummerOctober to November
WinterMarch to June

Forest Type Analysis Due To Geography

  • Bandhavgarh has a low-level Sal vegetation dominated forest of moist peninsular categorised as 3C/C2A
  • Another forest vegetation Bandhavgarh supports is a mixed deciduous forest of wet Gangetic categorised as 3C/C3a

Geographical Analysis Summary:

Best time to visit Bandhavgarh National Park is from October to November.

Important details about the Geographic Location

  • Geographical Location: Central India
  • Geographical Coordinates: Longitude – 80° 54′ 53″ East
  • Latitude – 24° 34′ 44.7924” North
  • Location: Umaria District, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Coverage Area: 820 sq. km
  • Climate / Weather Conditions:
    • Winter – October to February and temperature is between 0° to 20° C
    • Summer – March to June and temperature is between 36°C to 46°C
  • Wildlife Attractions – Tiger, Sloth Bear, Sambhar, Bluebell, Chausingha, Wild dog, Wild Boar

Access points to Bandhavgarh:

  • Nearest Airport – Jabalpur (200 km / 4 hrs)
  • Nearest Railway Station – Umaria (35 km / 45 mins)