Fauna in Bandhavgarh

Fauna in Bandhavgarh

Bandhavgarh National Park provides habitat to a variety of mammals, birds and reptiles with its diverse fauna. Among these habitats, Bandhavgarh Tiger is the apex predator. Tourist visiting Bandhavgarh for wildlife tour will be able to see them on a jeep safari in Bandhavgarh National Park. The  best way to epxerience the fauna of bandhavgarh is by a safari in bandhavgarh – jeep safari and elephant safari.

Fauna of Bandhavgarh National Park

List of Fauna of Bandhavgarh

Visitors come to Bandhavgarh National Park to see Bengal Tigers. Bandhavgarh National Park has the world’s highest density of Bengal Tigers. There is a rich diversity of fauna in Bandhavgarh National Park. Bandhavgarh is famous for the wildlife sanctuaries. Most preferable national park to see wildlife in Indian State.

  • Tiger
  • Leopard
  • Spotted deer / Chital
  • Sambar Deer
  • Barking Deer
  • Nilgai / Blue bull
  • Four Horned Antelope / Chausingha
  • Indian Pipistrelle
  • Indian Gazelle
  • Wild Boar / Pig
  • Common / Gray Langur
  • Gaur
  • Jungle Cat
  • Blue Bull
  • Chinkara
  • Four-horned Antelope
  • Indian Porcupine
  • Indian Gaur
  • Wolf
  • Indian Wild Dog
  • Jackal
  • Indian Fox
  • Sambar
  • Spotted Deer
  • Muntjac/Barking Deer
  • Striped Hyena
  • Sloth Bear
  • Common Langur
  • Rhesus Macaque
  • Wild Boar
  • Small Indian Civet
  • Common Palm civet
  • Honey Badger
  • Five-striped Squirrel
  • Indian Mole Rat
  • Ruddy Mongoose
  • Common Mongoose
  • Indian Pangolin
  • Indian Tree Shrew
  • Grey Musk Shrew
  • Fulvous Fruit Bat
  • Flying Fox
  • Indian False Vampire
  • Indian Hare

List of Avian Faun of Bandhavgarh

  • Black Ibis
  • Brown Shrike
  • Long Tailed Shrike
  • Bay Backed Shrike
  • Common Iora
  • Lesser White Throat
  • Wooly Necked Stork
  • Crested Serpent Eagle
  • Pariah Kite
  • Changeable Eagle
  • White-Eyed Buzzard
  • Yellow Crowned Woodpecker
  • Chestnut Shouldered
  • Large Gray Babbler
  • Gray Francolin
  • Peacock
  • Red Jungle Fowl
  • Blue Rock Pigeon
  • Pale Billed Flowerpecker
  • Grey Lag Geese (Rare)
  • Sarus Crane
  • Grey Hornbill
  • Hume’s Warbler
  • Greenish Warbler
  • White Browed Fantail Flycatcher
  • Black Naped Monarch
  • Verditor Flycatcher
  • Little Green Bee Eater
  • Red Vented Bulbul
  • Common Myna
  • Pied Starling
  • Brahmin Starling
  • Barred Button Quail
  • Black Rumped Flameback
  • Tree Pipit
  • Olive Backed Pipit
  • Black Headed Oriole
  • Golden Oriole
  • Pied Kingfisher
  • Comb Duck
  • Ruddy Shellduck
  • White Bellied Drongo
  • Stone Chat
  • Pied Buchchat
  • Little Egret
  • Cattle Egret
  • Great Egret
  • Cotton Pygmy Goose
  • Shikra
  • Black Shouldered Kite
  • Rufous Treepie
  • Paddy Field Pipit
  • Richard’s Pipit
  • Tawny Pipit
  • Indian Moorhen
  • Common Wood
  • Shrike
  • Honey Buzzard
  • Common Kestra Petronia
  • Plum Headed Parakeet
  • Alexandrine Parakeet
  • Rose Ringed Parakeet
  •  Thick Billed Flowerpecker
  • Coucal
  • Purple Sunbird
  • Common Hawk Cuckoo
  • Indian Hawk-Cuckoo
  • Yellow Footed Green Pigeon
  • Bronze Dove
  • Black Drongo
  • Racket Tailed Drongo
  • Common Sand Piper
  • Wood Sand Piper
  • Green Sand Piper
  • Temminck’s Stint
  • Eurasian Thicknee
  • Jungle Myna
  • Bank Myna
  • Magpie Robin
  • Indian Robin
  • Savanna Nightjar
  • Grey Headed Barbet
  • Crimson Breasted Barbet
  • Rufous Face Warbler
  • Little Cormorant
  • Black Redstart
  • Little Grebe
  • Jungle Bush Quail
  • Red Rumped Swallow
  • White Naped Woodpecker
  • White Breasted Waterhen
  • King Vulture
  • Common Chiff Chaff
  • Brown Fish Owl
  • Barn Owl
  • Common Kingfisher
  • Ashy Prinia
  • Plain Prinia
  • Common Tailor Bird
  • Hoopoe
  • Red Wattled Lapwing
  • Yellow Wattled Lapwing
  • Gold Fronted Chloropsis
  • Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher
  • Asian Paradise Flycatcher
  • Indian Roller
  • Barred Jungle Owlet
  • Mottled Wood Owl (Calls)
  • White-Throated Kingfisher
  • Oriental Turtle
  • Dove
  • Eurasian Collared-Dove
  • Spotted Dove
  • Red Turtle Dove
  • Laughing Dove
  • Jungle Babbler
  • Short-Eared Owl
  • Indian Scops Owl
  • Spotted Owlet

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